sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2013


[...]the first Jesuit Pope—interesting, since the Jesuit order has been viewed with some suspicion in Vatican circles as excessively liberal and intellectual [...]

Alexander Stille in "The New Yorker"

[...] Rare among modern Popes, he has not served any time in one of the offices of the Vatican bureaucracy in Rome; indeed, he has made some sharp remarks about the vanity, self-infatuation, careerism, and pursuit of promotions in the Roman Curia.


[...] Se o papa mostrar que o Vaticano não é um cenário de Dan Brown já ajudava muito.

Francisco José Viegas in "Correio da Manhã"

[...] Se a tudo isto o novo Papa juntar mão firme no governo da Cúria e punição exemplar para crimes ou abusos (ser jesuíta é óptimo sinal), a expressão ‘temos Papa’ poderá ser usada com dupla propriedade.

João Pereira Coutinho in "Correio da Manhã"

Like most of the world, I don’t know much about Pope Francis, but it’s hard not to be impressed by someone who says he prefers a church that suffers “accidents on the streets” to a church that is sick because it self-referentially closes in on itself.

David Brooks in "The New York Times"

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